A Safe and User-friendly Method to Test GERDalpHaONE Reflux Monitoring SystemAs the choices for diagnosing GERD proliferates, it can be really challenging to choose the right steps for clear diagnosis. |
Secured DataEvery data package is sent to the recorder multiple times to minimize gaps and artifacts. |
Save up to 20 minutes for each procedure Increase clinical confidence with accurate and consistent data Easily unscrew and dismantle the conveyer handle in case of emergency Data completeness with short capsule sampling interval & multiple transmitting Improve performance of capsule preparation |
• Compatible with reflux monitoring catheter and wireless capsule products.
• Support multiple cases under one name.
• Faster and streamlined calibration process.
• Auto-paring and one-click to download.
Weight ≤2g
0.33 Hz
Dimension (L× W×H)